World Server Throwing Tour Spanish Qualifier

server 1
Wednesday | October 9th,
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
VIP Parking Area near the
MSP GLOBAL Main Entrance
Apply for a slot
(MSP GLOBAL registration required)
server 2

Up to 25 server-throwing athletes will show their raw power in front of a live audience of MSP GLOBAL attendees. This intense sport welcomes all genders and ability levels: the only requirement is your desire to throw a server really far.

Each thrower has two attempts, and the furthest result is recorded. MSP GLOBAL will provide prizes for the top three finishers, who will also get a free VIP ticket to CloudFest 2025.

Did you know that ‘discus’ was the classical Greek word for ‘server’? We bet you didn’t! Now you can take part in a ritual show of strength that has actually been around for thousands of years, evolving over the generations to become the intense, kinetic spectacle you’ll see at PortAventura.

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