CF2023 Sebastian Noelting

Sebastian Noelting

Sebastian has been a doer for 25 years: He founded his first company directly after finishing school. After holding several leading positions, among others at 1&1 Internet AG, his career as interim manager led him to RNT Rausch GmbH, former Rausch Netzwerktechnik GmbH, whose management he took over in 2008. His daily ambition: to optimize IT or create completely new server and storage solutions that solve problems such as performance, storage space, high availability or data throughput in data centers or big data environments. His specialties: Software-defined storage, cloud computing, virtualization.

Since 1998, RNT considers itself as reliable partner, solution provider and developer, enabling technology innovations. Organizations as well as data centers around the globe trust in the standard and individual solutions to advance their business.
Based on self-developed hardware or solutions of long-time partners, RNT choses the fitting software for the operation of server or storage cluster and builds tailor-made solutions – delivery, launch and support are included as well!

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